Bishop Kim, Yong Doo’s recent sermon. Only a portion of it.

“Your mission will not just be naturally created out of nowhere and given to you. Your mission is something that you need to gradually create & mold a little bit at a time as you continue to pray. On top of it, your passion and faith will also be required in the process of making your mission. Your mission starts from very small things. It is up to you to “move” God for Him to grant you your mission.

Remember, there is such a thing called the “Gate of Power”, you must enter such a gate and it is the gate of blessing.

Why does God tell us to receive the Holy Spirit and His power? When you enter into the Gate of Power, the spiritual realm of the Holy Spirit, you are entering into the territory of protection, the territory of overflowing, the territory of blessing, and the territory of all things going well.

When you open one Incomprehensible gate of blessing, there will be ten gates waiting for you to open. When you open those gates, twenty doors will be waiting for you to open. There will be unending gates of blessing waiting for you as you continue to open them.

Don’t just pray to God to open your spiritual eyes. It doesn’t work that way. You must first pray a lot and accumulate your prayer. With your accumulated prayer, various things will be given to you and be created within you, such as wisdom, power, willpower, persistence, faith and so on. You have to continue to press in and move forward, then God will promptly without delay process things for you.

God will activate a new manual for you.”

Pastor Yoojin Kim