Hi family, Pastor Yoojin asked me to share this story about my mom. My mom’s been visiting me with my sister and her kids from Korea for the last three weeks, and they’re leaving this Wednesday.

My mom is a believer, a positive, generous, and sweet person who always gives thanks to God. During this visit, my mom joined me in attending our church every Sunday. After attending twice, she told me she loved our worship time the most—it made her want to dance, though she’s too shy to do so outwardly. She also loved our pastor’s sermons.

Meanwhile, my mom had been suffering from shoulder pain. (She’s 80 years old.) I told her to pray to God for healing during our church prayer time. She told me that she woke up pain-free this morning and shared that she felt a sense of peace and coolness in her heart, and her ability to pray in tongues returned during last Sunday’s prayer time. She also told me that Pastor Steve’s hand was very hot when he imparted fire to her. She told me that she will keep reading and praying in tongues when she goes back home. Thank God for everything. 🙂

Elder Wonju Hulse