1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ ‭TPT‬‬
“Make your life a prayer.“

When you stop praying, you have stopped praying for your families, your children, your spouse, your health, your grandchildren, your anointing, your calling, your job, your friends, and even your salvation.

For those who are not married, if you stop praying, then you have stopped praying for your future husband or wife, your future children, your future career, your future job, your future calling, your future purpose, and your future everything.

Then your fruit will show, and you may end up homeless, you may be moneyless, you may be hearing many different voices, your kids will be sent to captivity in addictions, your husband is watching cartoons and playing video games, and you will be a wannabe homeless prophet who is bible illiterate.

This is what happens when you stop praying. Everything that was gaining momentum will stop as well. Then why would you ever stop praying?

Pastor Steve Kim