Hello Family, moving into our 12th year and the Lord’s Year of 2024, let us no longer be impulsive to our flesh getting sidetracked and then backtracking to return to a place of peace due to our survival mode, fear, greed, envy, jealousy, catching up to others, and thought of running out of time. Let us be moved by the gentle impulse of our Holy Spirit. Let us learn to run in patience knowing we are here for the long haul, and we must come to master our flesh and sin and not be overcome by them.

With the skill or talent the Lord has uniquely granted to us, let us utilize the time to be a master of at least one trade rather than a jack of all half-butt cheeks. There are no shortcuts, and no one will leap forward out of selfish motives to get ahead of others winning a spiritual lottery ticket to become first in line. There is no need to prove your worth to God, your own kin, or the pastors. You only need to prove your loyalty and obedience to the King understanding and employing spiritual authority doing your part even if you had to serve as a slave just as Joseph did in the Bible. Then, you will be added to His inner circle. But until then, the word you have received is conditional to your faith and commitment.

Pastor Steve Kim