Romans‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬ ‭TPT “‬‬Listen to what the Scriptures say: Because Abraham believed God’s words, his faith transferred God’s righteousness into his account.“
Faith is granted and created as one believes in God’s Word. Then, as we believe in God’s Word which was manifested as a Person in Christ Jesus, we are transferred God’s Righteousness. But if we do not read and know the Word (Bible), then how can we say we have faith? Then how is God’s Righteousness transferred? Such people are only carrying a book or Bible app these days claiming to possess it but not having to have read it. Then there will be no power, no transformation nor rebirth but only a generation and more generations thereafter of walking gongs proclaiming empty words as the book of Judges continues rather than the Book of Acts.

At the end of the book of Judges, the Bible says God’s people had no king, and therefore, everyone did what was right in their own eyes. Is this not true today? People do not like being told what to do. People have their own measure of truth and their own customized Jesus. Is this why Halloween is so popular among the Christian ranks? They like to create their own Jesus.
When a people fail to read the whole Bible when we now all have the ability to read and master it, we will create our own Jesus, fueling the golden calf idol making it follow us rather than following Jesus. Because if we really knew who Jesus is, we would realize he is the King of Kings of all creation, and we would deeply respect, possess a fear of God, and tremble as we approach Him. If we understood why the Bible says Jesus comes from the lineage of David’s royalty, we would understand spiritual authority and be greatly blessed rather than becoming bottom feeders of society within this fallen world.

Of course, reading the whole Bible doesn’t resolve everything. It is only part of the whole of what needs to be done as a Christian. May we all live and walk as true sons and daughters of the most High God!

Pastor Steve Kim