1 Samuel‬ ‭20‬:‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “But if he is angry and wants you killed, may the Lord strike me and even kill me if I don’t warn you so you can escape and live. May the Lord be with you as he used to be with my father.”

Used to be? Johnathan is speaking to the future king of Israel, David. Johnathan is speaking regarding his dad, the current king of Israel at that time.

Jonathan was loyal but not wise. He was loyal to the wrong person. Knowing God was no longer with his dad, he failed to go all the way with David who would be his new authority but for whatever reason was a daddy’s boy. His allegiance and emotions to his dad were greater than the bigger picture within God.

Perhaps Johnathan didn’t want to give up the luxury life as a prince. If he was to go with David, then the wilderness, living in caves, on the run, cold, and uncertainties would be his future. Therefore, perhaps, he decided to stay with what he could see and feel at that moment, which was predictable security and comfort.

Whether for our mom or dad, children, career, for a man or woman, or previous pastor(s), we could end up like Johnathan who knew the truth but could not leave his current comfort or desire to go with his new authority. In the end, both King Saul and Johnathan were destroyed in battle and the kingdom turned over to David as prophesied.

Pastor Steve Kim