Translation of Pastor Kim, Yong Doo’s first posting after the Revival.
******October 2020 San Francisco/Fremont Revival******
***The Place of Blessing and Transformation****
San Francisco/Fremont area may be the America’s center of economy. This area is also called Silicon Valley and well-known companies’ headquarters are located nearby. A well-known automotive company Tesla’s headquarter is located here as well as Facebook’s headquarter, Google’s headquarter, many Amazon owned companies, Ebay, many IT (computer-related) companies, etc. Many large companies that contribute to America’s economy are concentrated right here. Additionally, the world’s leading automotive companies are located here.
The housing prices are very expensive, but whoever works hard can accumulate wealth here. Many years ago, the prophecy was given to Pastor Steve and Pastor Yoojin. They followed accordingly and lead the church to grow and experience revival. All the members of this branch church are closely connected to my wife and I, directly or indirectly. All of church members are 100% obedient to my wife and I, and to Pastor Steve and Yoojin. Depending on their obedience level, they are receiving the blessings.
Pastor Steve and Pastor Yoojin always consider/believe us as Senior Pastors, spiritual leaders, and spiritual parents. They always introduce us to the congregation in that manner. When the church experiences hardship or members cause difficulties, they always consult with me one-on-one. The members get restored, repent in the name of Jesus and Holy Fire, and become renewed and devoted members. When members obey, they experience transformation and receive the blessings. There are endless testimonies from church members and their abundant fruit in their life is the proof.
From the church started here in the beginning, the Lord’s prophesied words are all fulfilled and all of the congregation is experiencing the belssing and revival. It is only possible through Pastor Steve and Yoojin’s unchanging pure heart, goodness, and obdience. Whatever my wife and I say, they reply with Amen. Even to my jokes, they reply with Amen and only Amen. So, it’s no surprise that the Lord works through them. There is never the negativity and only the positivity exist for them.
A while ago, there was a suggestion that if young adults from the Lord’s Church in South Korea were sent here, loving and faithful spouse candidates will be introduced to them, get married, and live in America. I feel that moment is approaching. It is too soon for me to introduce a specific person yet. Not that I do not believe in that person but this sort of arrangement is only possible when the Lord allows such thing to happen and impress my heart. Although I have an idea who that person might be… Let’s wait and see. Similar will happen in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Minnesota, and Texas.
I have officiated about 4-5 weddings here for young adults (regardless of race/color). Some Newly wedded couples were spiritually/physically weak or experienced abuse/hurt from their parents. But they have children of their own and when I visit them, young children runs up to me and calls me “grandpa” with a warm hug. Including other areas, there would be quite amount of couples that I’ve wedded. My daughter and son-in-law saw this and
prayed about training few young adults in South Korea to become all-rounded faithful and spiritual warrior. And come to U.S. to establish Holy Fire branch churches in the areas with high demand. They have received the answer from the Lord and keep praying about it.
Pastor Yoojin and Pastor Steve said I need to recommend and guarantee their faith. But such difficult thing is only dependent on God and no one knows. I was really thankful to see the congregation obeying well, getting jobs in the Silicon Valley area, and receiving many spiritual and physical blessings.
*****Revival Scene*****
In this time of Coronavirus, the congregation gave no attention to the danger and waited/gathered together with passion and desire for the revival. They received all the grace prepared for them. Pastor Yoojin testified that because Pastor Kim’s family overcame difficult tests and trials to come here, the grace we have received is really great. I wondered, can there be any spiritual feast that is so abundantly full?
I was thinking, “what if the police come?” But it never happened. From day 1, revival started with crying out prayer. For the past few days, we traveled by car on an excessively tight schedule. We were little bit frustrated for not being able to give praises to the Lord. Our frustrations were all lifted as we sank deep into the presence and anointing of the Holy Spirit and as we Holy danced. For 4 days, we (myself, Pastor Ju Eun, son-in-law Pastor Solomon) bursted out Fire with the message and my wife ministered Holy dance, power tongue, and opening spiritual eyes. As always, the Holy Spirit worked in various ways and used our family as a holy passage.
Something particularly amusing incident was that there are many teenagers here and they would scream whenever they see Pastor Solomon. The teenagers were screaming about him for the entire week. I even became jealous. The reason was Pastor Solomon was handsome, good looking, and even his voice sounded like Korean pop star. Teens were screaming and made a big deal. In the old days, I also had many street dogs cry for me. But now, I’m just a grey-headed old man, grinning at them.
My son-in-law and daughter helped me and my wife in many ways by ministering with their spiritual gifts. I was also very thankful that my son, Pastor Joseph, was delivering the message in South Korea.
On Saturday night, all the congregation watched the summarized version of Solomon and Ju-Eun’s wedding video. Everyone was happy and joyous with shouting. Pastor Steve and Yoojin prepared a wedding for my daughter in a special and amusing way. This re-celebration of wedding was very touching and fun. With all church members’ congratulations, my daughter (the bride) tossed the bouquet into a group of single women and men. All the singles aged between 10s to 70s came out and regardless of their first marriage or re-marriage, it got quite competitve and chaotic where everyone was trying to catch the bouquet.
Next, my son-in-law (Pastor Solomon) delivered the message. He shared how and when he came to the Lord’s Church in South Korea, many trials and difficulties he had to overcome to be where is at now, and his personal story about his family. I was very touched and tearing up when Pastor Solomon shared about his family truthfully and honestly. In my mind, I thought, “This guy, the more I get to know him the more credit I can give! I only thought of him as a young man.” My wife thought the same thing.
As always, Holy Fire Revival/Conference was full of presence and anointing of the Holy Spirit, baptism of Holy Fire, crying out prayer in tongue, spiritual messages, repentance and obedience, interpretation of tongue and prophecy, vision, see through, spiritual eyes, powerful deliverance and impartation, Holy dance and praising in tongue, and inevitable joy, burst of laughter, and Holiness, etc.,..more and more contents filled the revival.
At this revival, all of the young adults/teens were speaking in baby tongue. My wife and I focused on ministering to them. Most of their tongue changed similarly to how my wife and I pray in tongue. Teens were amazed and overjoyed as their tongue changed.