
*****하나님의 능력이 땅을 침노할 때****

When the power of God invades

“주의 성령이 내게 임하셨으니 이는 가난한 자에
게 복음을 전하게 하시려고 내게 기름을 부으시고 나를  보내사 포로된 자에게 자유를 눈 먼 자에게 다시 보게 함을 전파하사 눌린 것을 자유롭게 하고 주의 은혜의 때를 전파하게 하려 하심이라 하였더라 ”  눅 4 : 18~19

Luke 4:18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,   for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, 19  and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.

주님의 영이신 성령께서 도착 이틀째 새벽, 뜨겁게 임하셨는데 입에서는 불이  나오고 또 눈이 열어지기 시작하였다 성령님은 이 땅위에 운행하시고 계셨으며 감찰하고 계셨다

Second day of our arrival in Georgia, and in the early morning, God had came upon me with blazing Fire. The holy fire came out from my mouth and eyes. Then my eyes began to open up to spiritual realm. The Holy Spirit searches throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. The Holy Spirit said,


“내가 누구에게 은혜를 줄꼬??

“To whom should I give My grace?”


내 눈앞의 현상은 캄캄하기 이를 데 없고 아무것도 보이지 않는데 성령님의 음성만이 내 영혼을 일깨우고 이끄신다

In the midst of darkness, a phenomenon was unfolded before me and the Holy Spirit was awakening my spirit and soul as He was leading me.


On Friday night service


“점점 더 가중된 능력, 업그레이드 된 하늘의 권세및 기름부음과 임재앞에 지구촌은 두려워 떨것이고 상상할 수 없는 영혼들이 속히 주 앞에 돌아올 것이다!!!더 빨리, 쉽고 빠르게 더 강하고 뜨겁게 회복되어 주의 이름을 부르는자는 구원을 얻을 것이니라!,,,,나의 뜻을 마음껏 펼칠 수 있는 종을 찾아 물 붓듯이 폭포수를 쏟듯이 이룰 것이니라!!!”

“My power is gradually advancing upon you and a higher heavenly authority, anointing and presence upon my servants will make the whole world tremble. An unimaginable number of souls will rapidly return to Me! The work of saving many souls will rapidly, easily, powerfully, and fervently proceed with all My power! Many souls will be restored! Those who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved!!!”


오 주여, 주님의 뜻을 이루소서! 저는 죄인입니다! 저는 지금 지쳐 있습니다 저는 부족합니다 라고 엎드렸더니 ,,,,

I (pastor KIm) said, “Oh Lord, let your will be done! I am only a sinner! But I am also exhausted and I am insufficient.” I then lay flat on my stomach.


“김목사는 잘 보아라!”

“Pastor Kim, look very carefully!”


주님께서는 다가오는 가까운 미래에 우리들의 사역을 보여 주셨다 이 곳 저곳에서 엄청난 사람들이 소문을 듣고 우리쪽으로 몰려오는데 감당할 길이 없었다

The Lord had shown me a vision regarding our Holy Fire Ministries, which will come to pass in the NEAR future. I saw a great number of people coming to our Ministry. These people were coming by hearing the words of our Ministries. The number was so great that I did not know how to handle the enormous amount of of people.

남녀노소를 포함하여 벌떼 구름떼 같이 한국을 비롯하여 세계 각처에서 새까맣게 사람들의 행렬이 멈추지 않고 이어졌다 ,,,,,

The number of Men and women were so great that it somewhat looked like a swarm of bee were flocking toward the Holy Fire Ministries. Those numerous souls were marching toward all the Holy Fire Ministries located all throughout the world. In fact, the swarms of people, the marching of the people did not stop,,,


“사랑하는 영혼아,너는 각성하고 준비하라! 이 모든 것은 다 내가 마지막 때를 위하여 준비하게 하고 너를 택하여 사용하는 것이니라! 이 것을 잘보아라!”

“My beloved one, always be awakened and prepared! The things you are seeing right now are the things that I had planned for the last days. I have prepared you and I have chosen you! Look very carefully!”


외국에 가서 성령의 불사역을 하려는데 주변에 있는 성도들은 내 주변 가까이 오자마자 모두 나에게서 뿜어져 나오는 임재와 기름부음에 취하여 그 자리에서 술 취하듯이 쓰러져 버리고 비틀거렸다 그리고 누워서 예언을 하고 영이 열어져 주님을 만나는데 ,,,,,이러한 일들은 집회하는 교회 안과 밖에 까지 그러했다 나는 주님의 인도하심으로 길 가와 상점이 있는 큰 대로로 나갔는데 내 옆을 지나가는 모든 사람들이 모조리 성령님의 취하심에 쓰러져 일어나질 못하였고 길 바닥에서 하루 이틀 삼일동안 누워 있었다 극장 앞을 지나가니 영화보고 무더기로 나온 사람들도 나오는 족족 성령님의 임재속으로 들어가는 바람에 쓰러져 갔다 모두들 일어나고 싶어도 비틀거리며 길바닥에 주저앉아 흐느끼고 통곡하며 회개하였고 어찌 할 바를 몰랐다 상점,길 거리,심지어는 자동차가 신호 대기중인 가운데서도 내 눈과 마주치거나 지나갈 즈음 모조리 차 안에서 기름부음과 임재속에 들어가는 바람에 차들이 빵빵거리며 경적음을 눌렀다 사람
들은 이곳 저곳에 너무 많이 쓰러져 꼭 노숙자들이 많이 모인 곳처럼 보일 정도이니 어떻게 하랴?,,,,,주님께서는


In the vision, I was preparing myself to minister and impart holy fire to the people who were in the conference and it was occurring from abroad. As people approached me, from the gush of anointing and presence of God through me, the people instantly got drunk in the Spirit and they all fell. People were swaying due to spiritual drunkenness. These fallen people began to prophesy as they encountered the Lord and with their spiritual eyes opened. This kind of phenomenon was not limited only within the church. As the Lord led, I walked outside the streets. There was stores and big street. All those who were walking and passing by me became drunk in the Holy Spirit. They all fell and could not get up. Some people were so drunk that they could not get up for two three days. I walked and passed by one particular movie theater, swarms of people who were coming out after finishing the movie began to fall and go deeper into the presence of God. These people fell and even if they wanted to get up, due to the powerful presence of God, they could not get up but only cried, mourned, and repented. They did not know what to do. It wasn’t just limited to stores, street, but in the cars. In the vision, there were people in the cars waiting for a signal light to turn to green. When their eyes contacted with mine, they immediately went into the anointing and the presence of God. Other cars were honking for these cars to move. Because so many people fell under the anointing and the presence of God, the scene looked as though many homeless were sleeping on the street. Then the Lord said,


“앞으로는 더 많이 더 크게 놀랄것이다! 공항과 비행기 안에서 집과 건물안에서 각  나라와 너의 발 길이 닿는 모든 곳에서 인종과 상관없이 펼쳐질 것이다 심지어는 건물내의 계단 올라가고 내려올때 혹은 에스컬레이터를 타고 내릴 때도 성령의 임재를 느끼고 쓰러질 것이니 조심해야 한다!이 모든 것은 복음을 위해서이고 영혼구원을 위해서 이니라! 능력없이 말로만 복음을 전하니 시간이 많이 소요되고 영혼들이 구원을 받아놓고도 부인하고 있는 세대이니 내가 어찌하랴?,,,,사람들이 네 근처에만 다가오려고 해도 그들은 성령에 압도되어 쓰러지고 일어나고 싶어도 일어나지 못할 것이니라! 눈과 코와 입에서,손에서도 불이 나가 기절시킬 것이니라!,,,”

“In the near future, you will be greatly amazed! Wherever you go, whether the place is an airport, in the airplane, within a home, buildings and every nations you step into, these types of events will be unfolded. Whether you are in a certain building, walking up or down the stairs, or when you take the escalator, the people around you will feel the presence of God and fall. Therefore, you must be very careful! All this power is for the gospel and to save souls! Too many are trying to evangelize without the power and therefore too much time is required! Even if these people are saved at some moment, their salvation is in vain with their carnal actions! What should I do? Many people will try to approach you but because they will be overwhelmed by the presence of the Holy Spirit, they will fall before you and they won’t be able to get up due to the strong presence! Holy Fire will shoot out from eyes, nose, mouth and hands and when it happens, people will fall!” Then he continued with warning,


“너는 장삿군들을 조심하여야 한다!!!!!”

“You must be careful of the merchants!”


“주님, 그것이 무슨 말입니까? 누가 장삿군입니까?,,,”

“Lord, what do you mean? Who are the merchants?”


“너를 통한 이적과 기적을 보며 수많은 타락한 종들이 너를 이용할 것이니 너는 그들을 분별하고 피해야 한다 첫째,신학교와 관련된 무리들을 조심하여라!,둘째,교단과 관련된 무리들을 조심하라!,셋째, 교리와 관련된 무리들을 조심해야 한다 그들은 모종의 어떤 임무를 띠고 너를 끌어 들이고 작업을 할 것이니라,그들은 말하는 개들이요 내 집을 타락시키는 자들이니라! ,,,,,,그러니 너는 겸손으로 허리를 동이고 내 앞에 항상 엎드려야 할 것이다 지금은 한 두사람씩 성령의 불을 받지만 앞으로는 네 몸에서 자동발생적으로 불이 나가서 사람들을 기절시켜 버릴 것이며 성령의 불에 의하여 심판당하여 거스르는 자를 죽일수도 있는 일도 생길 것이다!!”

“Numerous corrupted servants will see the miracles and signs that you will be performing. As they watch you, they will try to use you. You must discern and avoid them! The first group is the people who are related to seminary school. The second group is the people who are related to denominations of religious churches! The third group is the people who are related to doctrine. These kinds of people have planted certain missions and will try to pull you into their personal plan. They are talking dogs and they are the people who corrupt My house! Therefore, you must bind yourself with humility, and you must always be on your face on the floor before Me. Right now, you impart one person at a time but soon, from the natural outbreak of holy fire from your body, many people will fall. Moreover, many people who come against the Holy Fire ministry will die and will be judged by the holy fire.


주님께서는 너무 무서운 말씀을 오늘 내게 많이 하셨으며 엄청난 것을 보여 주셨으므로 두렵고 떨리는 마음이 하루종일 가시지 않았다 이런 일들은 오늘 벌어질지  내일 벌어질지 아무도 모른다 오직 주님밖에는,,,,,,,,,,

The Lord gave me too many fearful words today. The Lord has shown me tremendous things. Due to these words and visions, my heart trembles in fear all they long. No one knows if these events in this vision and word will begin today or tomorrow.  Only the Lord know….

God said, through the Holy Fire Ministries and the people of the Holy Fire Ministries will carry out the greatest work of God. This work is unprecedented/unheard-of before in history.

Sermon by Pastor Kim, Yong Doo
Head pastor of the Lord’s Church, Korea
Author of Baptize by Blazing Fire book series

Translated by Pastor Steve & Yoojin Kim
Pastors of Fire of God Church in San Francisco (Fremont)
Fire of God Church is a branch church of the Lord’s Church, Korea and is under the spiritual covering of head Pastor Kim, Yong Doo