This morning, I was watching Bishop Kim’s Sunday Service, and Pastor Chris (Bishop Kim’s main translator) was testifying on his recent born-again experience.

He just got Born Again after over 10 years with Bishop Kim 🤯. He translated, cast out demons, healed sick people, worshipped in tears, and more!

This was really shocking to me. God showed up and told him, “You need to be born again with the Holy Spirit.”

Pastor Chris said, that no matter how much you’ve served, sacrificed, given a lot of offerings, read the Bible many times, and no matter how devoted you’ve been, if you do not have Jesus in you, all are in vain.

Even if you have a title such as Pastor, Elder, and Deacon, all are in vain if you do not have Christ in you. It’s all useless.

Pastor Chris said Repentance is the only way. Pastor Chris said, that in the past, he had cast fire, performed deliverance, experienced hell, holy danced, raised hands while worshipping, cried in tears, and done many things with Bishop Kim as he traveled all over the world with him. He realized that he did not have Jesus dwelling in his heart.

He thought he was heading to heaven, and he thought heaven was guaranteed for him. But the Lord showed him how the Lord was absent in his heart and was heading hell.

One day, while he was praying, the Lord showed him a vision. It was the scene of Matthew Chapter 21:12-13:

Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out all the people buying and selling animals for sacrifice. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves.

Pastor Chris said he might have looked like a person filled with the Holy Spirit and a man who loved the Lord. But this was not true.

There were worldly worries, the love of money, and the thought of buying a nice car, and a nice house in his heart, and Jesus was not in his heart. Those things had filled his heart.

His heart was filled with worldly things and fleshly desires. Jesus told him, “You will go to hell in that condition. Without true repentance, you will end up in hell if you continue in such a way.”

Jesus also made him realize how he ran his mouth wild. He said whatever he wanted to say, letting whatever words come out of his lips.

He criticized, judged, cussed, and condemned with his lips. He had greed in his heart as well. The Holy Spirit tried to talk to him, “Don’t do that, don’t do that!” But he covered his ears; he did not want to hear Him. His ears were purposely deaf to the Holy Spirit.

He also had a hot temper. His heart was filled with worldly desires.

Jesus made him realize that he was the Lord in his own heart, and he was the god of himself.

But one day, the powerful presence of God came upon him and delivered him from all these sins.

He finally realized there was a limitation to his strength. When he tried to do anything with his strength, he was hitting the limitations.

Pastor Chris realized people need to receive the Holy Spirit. They need to be born again with the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Chris said, but you must desperately ask and want His touch that delivers you and receive His Spirit. You must ask Him to give you the strength to continue to pray so that you can receive the Holy Spirit.

He said people need to examine and check what’s a priority in their lives. We need to realize if we respect God and have the fear of God, and they need to know if we have the Lord in our hearts.

Pastor Yoojin Kim

Additional Comments by Pastor Steve:

Hello Church, I have been telling you, hinting to you that you all need to explore the idea that you may not be born again. If Deacon Jeremiah knew and had to go
Into leper city, and he knows a large amount of Bible in knowledge, has prayed a lot more in his life compared to many of you, and he is preaching with revelation, what makes you think you are ahead of him?
