John 15:5 Voice
I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear great fruit. Without Me, you will accomplish nothing.

A lot of Christians proceed with things without God’s approval or Him in it.

Many Christians Do not wait on God, but they want what they desire NOW. Therefore, they often precede things on their own by deluding themselves into thinking, ”God’s in it.”

We witness many Christians plan and carry out things without “consulting” God. What’s the problem? It’s because they have NOT yet made Jesus their King.

Judges 17:6 Voice
In those days of the judges, there was no king in Israel, and everyone did what seemed right in his own eyes.

In the hearts of many Christians there is no King, It is because they DO NOT give a place In their heart for Him, they make their own decisions and choices based on what they desire. Their hearts are filled with greed and many fleshly desires.

Whatever you do, if God is in it, you will accomplish it (bear fruits). But if you are not making any progress, in fact, if you are going backward, know that you made your own decisions and God is NOT in it.

But the problem is that people continue to push, although they keep on losing and failing. They are still so stubborn that they do not want to admit their wrongs or change. They keep going lower and lower…until they hit rock bottom.

One word we need to always keep in mind. Humility.
Humble people are teachable. Prideful people are NOT teachable; they will keep their own ways/methods until they become “destroyed.”

Pastor Yoojin Kim

Comment by Pastor Steve Kim:

If God is pouring down His Spirit on all flesh, and if we are now a kingdom of priests, then why is there such a discrepancy between the few who possess authority and anointing and those who are just mostly spectators needing deliverance and breakthroughs? In America, if the opportunity to rise to success is available to all, then why is there such a discrepancy between the very rich and poor?

In America, if a person, whether secular or Christian, chooses to work very hard, not be lazy, make the right choices, educate oneself, not have an entitlement mentality, and sacrifice a lot, then such a person has a high probability of succeeding. But the majority of people are generally passive and lazy, so their achievements are limited.

In God’s Kingdom, the problem is although you think you have started over from zero in this ministry, many bring a continuity of their old wineskin, bringing much baggage called pride, and fail to be teachable and humble. You need to have started over like a child who does not know anything and who will go wherever Father tells you to go. But we come as a continuation from our hurts, drama, seeking personal dreams, hiding our secret sin, unwilling to let go of what we already learned and have invested in time and knowledge, unwilling to submit to authority as a child, wanting to be apex king of the hill, and come as entitled brats.

What does it mean to become a new wineskin? It means you must start at zero, knowing nothing like a child and ready to learn and be teachable. You need to have started over with no baggage.

People are stubborn and do not want to submit to others. They are naturally jealous. People are not naturally teachable like a child. This is a choice. They are naturally lazy and have been trained by the world to have a short attention span. They would rather vegetate and watch TV or use their phones all day long. You are cattle being prepared for the slaughter.

James‬ ‭5‬:‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “You have spent your years on earth in luxury, satisfying your every desire. You have fattened yourselves for the day of slaughter.”

What are the luxuries of life? Smoking pot? Drinking to get your nice buzz? Flipping people off to satisfy your demons who find you as a nice host? Abusing your husbands, making them into Ahabs? Having a power trip as a tyrant husband? Lazy reclining on your bed watching Netflix all day long, becoming fat? Eating junk food, not caring how it harms your body? Having one-night stands satisfying your hormones? Living in unholy (not married/unsanctioned ) relationships producing bastards? Scamming the people for their money? Giving God crumbs and demanding a high return. Hypochondriacs?

What did we think luxury meant? How can people get deliverance before repenting? Although it is possible, it is not for many who claim to have been Christians for a long time and who think they know something.

Happy Tuesday, lunch time! Are you able to drink His Blood and eat His flesh? Do the messages offend you or excite your spirit? Baby food cannot be served forever to those who look like adults.

Think about what it means to be a new wine sack. A new wine sack will not get offended when new wine is poured in. It will blow up when the new meets the old, and many of us, even in our church, are still the old “YOU.”

Are you a son/daughter or a spectator looking for handouts and entertainment?

May those who have ears hear what the Spirit is saying.