1 Samuel 19:10 Saul hurled his spear at David. But David dodged out of the way, and leaving the spear stuck in the wall, he fled and escaped into the night.

As we see in 1 Samuel 19, verse 10, King Saul attempted to kill David literally. Now, he can be called a murderer because he hated David so much that he took intentional action to kill him. Now, David goes into hiding, and King Saul looks for him.

18 So David escaped and went to Ramah to see Samuel, and he told him all that Saul had done to him. Then Samuel took David with him to live at Naioth. 19 When the report reached Saul that David was at Naioth in Ramah, 20 he sent troops to capture him. But when they arrived and saw Samuel leading a group of prophets who were prophesying, the Spirit of God came upon Saul’s men, and they also began to prophesy. 21 When Saul heard what had happened, he sent other troops, but they, too, prophesied! The same thing happened a third time. 22 Finally, Saul himself went to Ramah and arrived at the great well in Secu. “Where are Samuel and David?” he demanded.

“They are at Naioth in Ramah,” someone told him.

23 But on the way to Naioth in Ramah the Spirit of God came even upon Saul, and he, too, began to prophesy all the way to Naioth! 24 He tore off his clothes and lay naked on the ground all day and all night, prophesying in the presence of Samuel. The people who were watching exclaimed, “What? Is even Saul a prophet?”

On three different occasions, when King Saul sent his soldiers to capture or kill David, the Holy Spirit came upon them through the Prophet Samuel, and they all began to prophesy. They could no longer pursue their original duty to go after David. They were hindered by the Holy Spirit. But did the soldiers stop because they were repenting? In fact, did the Spirit of God come upon the soldiers because they had repented? After all, they were on the side of King Saul, who had intentions of harming David. Who was David? He was now God’s new anointed chosen to be King of God’s people. After the Spirit of God came upon the soldiers, did they change sides? Were they transformed? Were they renewed?

Let us look at verse 22 and forward. King Saul decided to go after David himself, and he, too, fell under the anointing. He tore his clothes and, in his nakedness, began to prophesy. How can this man who is filled with jealousy and hate, wanting to murder David, have the Holy Spirit come upon him? King Saul began to prophesy as he lay naked. Did this change him? Was he reborn? Was he repenting? As we read the continuing story, we know the answer is “NO!”

Today, many Christians presume they are reborn based on their experience of the Holy Spirit coming upon them. As the Holy Spirit came upon King Saul, many Christians may experience the ability to prophesy, hear God, and experience wonders and supernatural events, but such experiences do not define rebirth.

King Saul went back home, but he was not a changed man. He was still filled with hate and jealousy. Many Christians come to church and may experience the Holy Spirit, but when they go home, they are still filled with the sins of the world. The problem is that today’s Christians think they will still make it to heaven even though they are sinning because they have been told a false gospel by the modern church.

Rebirth or being reborn is being Fathered from above, and those who have been fathered by God are born of Him. They do not sin any longer, nor do they live defeated lives, for they are overcomers of the world through their faith in Him! It is as simple as that, and we must face the truth.

Additional Comment:

During Jimmy Carter’s presidency in the 1970’s, he pronounced to America that he was reborn. And then many people began to use that sacred term loosely in America.
Was he really reborn? Chelsea Clinton said she was a Christian.

Also, in the 1970s, Larry Flint proclaimed he was reborn based on an experience he claimed was a vision of Jesus.
So, who was Larry Flint? He is the founder of the raunchy porn magazine, “Hustler.”
After his proclamation of rebirth, Pat Robertson of the 700 Club tried to make him change his ways, but Larry Flint did not change.
Many Christian leaders told him to quit, but he did not.
He died in 2021. Was he really reborn? Or is this why some Christians subscribed to his magazine—because he said he was a reborn Christian?
This is nonsense within the Christian ranks. There is too much deception, and so many will end up in Hell.

Experiencing a vision of Jesus telling you the Truth is setting you free from deception but you still need to seek rebirth.

Pastor Steve Kim