1 Corinthians 14:33 NLT “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace, as in all the meetings of God’s holy people.”
Scripture implies chaos, and lack of peace is an indication of disorder. For example, your body may not feel right because there is disorder because you may have eaten food that is not allowed or negative to the body. Or your body is sick from the flu, causing disruption in the body, which negatively influences your mood, mental capacity, and physical abilities. If you do drugs, get high, or get drunk, you are disrupting your body and brain, and therefore, chaos is introduced where you make bad decisions, but your body is deceived, thinking you are feeling good in that moment.
If order is disrupted in the authority of a church, family, marriage, business, or any organization, then everything will be affected, including your finances. If you become sick and cannot go to work, your finances will be disrupted. If you allow the enemy to disrupt your spiritual authority, your blessings will be disrupted, which will affect your finances and ability to accumulate toward your breakthroughs.
Peace means harmony, in which all parts function properly to produce the desired and normal outcome. It is good. God created the heavens and earth and declared it good because there was order in all of creation, working together to sustain life. Just like your physical body, all organs and body parts must be in working order to sustain abundant life.
God is a God of order. Once sin entered creation like some cancer, it disrupted everything and brought death. Of course, death was not immediate, but it put man on a path of destruction, so his/her life is now experiencing chaos, war, jealousy, resentment, breaking up of marriages and families, poverty, pain, etc, and the end result is death. Everything between one’s birth and death are signs, whether you are on a road called destructive life or abundant life. This was due to the disorder brought by sin.
God may give us life and He may declare a good word of blessing for your future but it is our job like it was for Adam to keep and enforce the order of God within our life with our mind and body, families, marriage, children, finances, businesses, and church. If we idly sit like Adam being passive while the devil works on disrupting the order through people, then we will reap the outcome which is constant chaos, pain, fights, and poverty.
Adam’s job was to maintain the garden by working and keeping order. The garden is our personal world and our surroundings. In a garden, a seed is planted, and it must be maintained to cultivate the end result, which is fruit. You may get a good word (seed) from the Holy Spirit about blessings or breakthroughs, but it is your job to maintain this word in the garden, which is your heart, and to cultivate it to bring rebirth while it grows over time. But continued sin, disobedience, pride, disorder, and enemy influence will birth disaster, and you will lose your harvest for that season or seasons. You need to work on keeping order by staying in God’s commandments, prayer, fellowship, and Word as you enforce your authority in the matters you are assigned, whether that be a husband, wife, pastor, leader, elder, parent, etc.
Remember, Adam and Eve were living in a blessed, sinless, abundant state. It was Adam’s job, with the authority given to him, to reign over creation. For one to reign means one given authority and sovereignty. If one does not exercise the ability to govern, then the enemy will disrupt, bringing chaos, disorder, and death. This is why marriages fall apart. This is why families are in chaos. This is why your bodies may be sick. This is why churches are failing and lifeless. Like in the Garden of Eden, authority was surrendered to the enemy by being passive. Once the authority granted to us by God as a gift is surrendered to Satan, our fellowship with the Living Trinity God is now disrupted and like a sick human body, we will not function at full capacity..
Additional Comments:
Disruption will break fellowship with God. This is why people will feel God is far from them. Order must be restored.
This is no different with the Body of Christ. Some people who are out of order will be isolated and sent off to exile or leper City to be treated.
Like Pastor Jeremiah, he used that time in spiritual isolation to come to his senses and be restored. Or people can become more mad at their situation and become worse. There will only be those two outcomes. Leper City is a place to find a new organ from the sick one.
Pastor Steve Kim