1 Corinthians 11:4-5 TPT “Any man who leads public worship, and prays or prophesies with a shawl hanging down over his head, shows disrespect to his head, which is Christ.
5 And if any woman in a place of leadership within the church prays or prophesies in public with her long hair disheveled, she shows disrespect to her head, which is her husband, for this would be the same as having her head shaved.
In verse four, the men are not to lead worship, pray, or prophesy with a shawl hanging over their heads, for it disrespects Christ; why? The shawl represents the commandments of God. In the Old Testament, God’s people were relying on the law. They memorized them and tried to follow the best they could with their own strength. But after Christ, we are now under grace, and HE is our Head and salvation. HE fulfilled the law and has saved us. So whether we wear it symbolically or believe it within our hearts, we are not to rely on the law for our salvation. We are still mandated to observe the law. After all, we are not allowed to steal, kill, lie, and put anything or anyone above God. Our salvation is solely relied on Christ and His work at the Cross.
In verse five, any woman (married) who is in leadership cannot have her hair disheveled. The word disheveled means disorderly, untidy, dirty, or messy. It can imply laziness and a lack of diligence to one’s attention. The disheveled hair shows her character and her nature as a wife. In today’s application, how her household is run expresses this context. Is her home messy, unorganized, dirty, with clothes lying everywhere, and lack of care and attention? This lack of attention and untidiness shows great disrespect to her husband. Now granted, we do have many wives working full time, but regardless, this job is for the wife. If you want your husbands to make more money and be raised up so the wife does not have to work, then the wife must do her part spiritually and physically; otherwise, the husband will continue to strive the ground to make a miserable limited living. The wives I see that show disrespect to their husbands are ones who are not consistent in their prayer life and reading and lack the passion to pass their tests but still bathe in their swamps of offense, fear, and unwillingness to change. Even when they attempt to stay consistent in prayer, some are disheveled with their households and therefore, no authority is achieved due to their disrespect to their heads. The Bible further says if the wife refuses to bring proper order and covering of her hair (representing her spiritual and physical life in order), she might as well shave her head, which shows such a wife and her household is naked and shameful.
Now, we beg the question, is the wife made for the husband or the husband made for the wife? But yet, the man needs the woman. It is an interdependent relationship. They both need each other more than many realize. Yes, the bible clearly says the woman was made for the man.
Happy Thanksgiving, you 🦃
We love you all! ❤️🔥🤗