“Quest: a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve something difficult

1. Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth.
2. She went to India on a spiritual quest.
3. She does aerobics four times a week in her quest to achieve the perfect body.”

When Abraham was called, he was told to come out from his home and go to the unknown. There was no intention of circling back or returning. Abram may have asked, “Where to?”

God said, “Get out!”

When we decide to become a true Christian, we embark on a spiritual journey of the unknown. There should be no backup plan to return to where you came from. You should have no plan to return to your old life or ways. But where are you to go? Where you go, only God knows, and HE will not tell you the whole plan nor give you a map but a general destination and plan. This is why you need faith. And this is why people love prophecy. They like to overrule faith and know exactly where they are at and where they are going.

Where are you to go? You are to overcome the world and take it back from what was stolen from you by Satan. Therefore, your quest now becomes a journey to be a conquest.

: a territory that has been gained by the use of subjugation and military force.”

Pastor Steve Kim