Undercover by John Bevere

“To be broken does not mean to be weakened. It has to do with submission to authority.”

“God our Father has a certain goal to accomplish in each of us…it is what’s best for us. His desire is to break us.”

“A prerequisite for intimacy with the Lord is a broken heart. Even though the process is not pleasant, the closeness of His presence far outweighs the hardship involved.”

“This breaking process is uniquely accomplished in each individual in accordance with the prescription of the Lord Himself.

“He is the only One who knows when the process is truly complete, and you are prepared for the manner of service He desires to bring through you. Each new level brings another round of breaking.”

our breaking process deals with our response to authority.”

“What pleases our Father? When we are treated unfairly and in turn handle it correctly.”

“At times, God places us in situations where we receive unreasonable treatment from authorities, as He did with David, Joseph, Daniel, the apostle Paul, and others. Our calling is to respond correctly, and Jesus left us His personal example of how to do it.”

“An individual who vindicates himself lacks the humility of Christ.”

Pastor Yoojin Kim