Hello, Fire of God Family, specifically youth 🙂

We have carefully considered and decided to appoint a few more youth leaders in addition to Callia, Evelyn, and David.

*Joshua Mata
*Sarah Mata
*Joshua Hopes
*Chris Biemer

We are officially appointing them as leaders so that they will feel more responsible and sensible in all that they do.

The concept is similar to Pastors who receive support from Elders(or main core leaders). Pastors can not lead the Ministry alone.

We are training Callia, Evelyn, and David to be our future Fire of God Ministry main leaders. The Lord spoke to them through Bishop Kim: “Callia, Evelyn, and David are going to be the rock who will firmly build this temple/church. I will do mighty work through them.”

But they are still young and inexperienced, so we give them grace and do not pursue every single mistake they make; they need to make mistakes in order to learn and gain revelation.

We do not pursue every single mistake the other youth make in our church because this is a process they all need to go through. They are learning as they are maturing.

At the same time, we want all youth to be more responsible for their words and actions. If my children fail to catch any wrongs, we need the other leading youth to catch it, support them, and cover for them.

If certain tasks are given to my children and are too much for them to bear or handle, the other appointed leading youth need to support them.

From now on, Callia, Evelyn, David, Joshua M, Sarah, Joshua H, and Chris will be responsible for all the activities they do with the other youth/young adults. They have to report what they did, where they went, any problems that occurred, and so on.

Thank you guys. We will announce it on Sunday.

Pastor Yoojin Kim