Bishop Kim Yong Doo
Sunday Sermon Summary 06/16/2024

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:1
Title: Reveal the Spiritual Secret

You will hold victory relative to your knowledge of the spiritual realm, and you will be defeated based on your ignorance. One can believe in Jesus and receive Him as a savior because of the Holy Spirit. We spread the gospel because God desires that everyone receive salvation. Being born again by the Holy Spirit is knowing that you are a child of God, but if you only know this and you don’t know the next step, then you could leave the Lord.

If you put your faith in Jesus and receive salvation, then the door of salvation opens, and your journey of salvation starts. After that, you learn through the Word that God chose you. It is like infants that have no knowledge of their parents, getting to know them through breastfeeding and seeing that they are with them. As people grow, spiritual curiosity and curiosity of the things relating to the soul will arise, but when these fundamental questions are not answered, no matter how much they study, make a lot of money, and seek religions, there will be no use. Ultimately, most people live a wandering life without knowing this answer and die. So we must spread this. The answer is in the Bible.

The reason God allowed you to be born in this world is because there is a purpose that only you have. The reason for our existence is to achieve that purpose, give God the glory, and enter the Kingdom of God. After God calls us, which is our calling, He then gives each one of us various spiritual gifts so that we can do the work of the Lord, which is our mission. But in that process, if you don’t know the spiritual holy order and power, then many problems will arise. And you will be swayed by demons, ultimately not fulfilling your mission. The main point here is to be with the Lord. By believing in Jesus, you must cut off all curses and bitter roots, but sometimes it won’t happen at once. This is because your spiritual power is weak, and the Lord allowed it in order to train it. That is why the amount of knowledge and experience you have is how victorious you will be. No matter how much you know, it is less than meeting the Lord once and having an experience.

If you know spiritual things, the Lord will make a schedule. And if you pray, the Lord will expand your river bank and let you experience new things. To be a witness of the Lord to the ends of the Earth, you must receive not only the Word but also the power of the Holy Spirit. But the power of the Holy Spirit is formed when you pray and are refined. Every pastor desires to become like Paul, but they only try to learn the sermons of Paul, and they don’t follow the power of the Holy Spirit. This is because they are scared to be called heresy. In the last days, before the Lord comes, there will be disasters, and God will bestow the Holy Spirit and miracles. He said that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. And since love grows cold, whether it be health or finances, if you don’t eat or drink or whatever for the Lord, then it can become dangerous. In this generation in which the gifts of the Holy Spirit are needed and are blowing up, the church is rather blocking the work of the Holy Spirit.

When you observe spiritually, you can see souls drawing close to the territory of supernatural finances and wealth as balls of fire twinkling in every region. When you make a request through prayers and breakthroughs with declarations, you can receive it as it is. That is what Cyrus and Jabez did: anointing of physical things, fresh anointing, anointing of health. Anointing is Jesus’ name and is also the unique work of the Holy Spirit. There needs to be anointing in order for the burden to be removed from your shoulders and for the yoke to be broken because of fatness. Those who have the anointing of the Holy Spirit must act wisely, causing no unnecessary friction. But the Devil imitates the spirit of God. That is because the Devil knows how anointing starts from the throne of God better than anyone. Let us discern well and receive the Lord’s spiritual anointing and become blessed saints who freely do good works.