Throwback back to June 11, 2015

Gal 4:19 “Oh, my dear children! I feel as if I’m going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives.”

Pastors and those called to lead God’s people must first learn to love and endure His people. When people do not listen, it is like we are going through labor pains waiting for them to obey, which is spiritual birth. But even if they are spiritually birthed, as Paul says here in Galatians, he feels like he must go through it again, waiting for baby Christians to be fully developed in their lives.

Most Christians think ministry is preaching, singing, traveling, shouting slogans on the internet (Facebook/Instagram), watching people fall from their anointing, etc. Most Christians look at the physical aspect of ministry in terms of building, size of members, finances, glamour, position, power, glory, etc. However, the true fundamental work is enduring for the little sheep waiting for Christ to develop fully in their lives.

We do physical and spiritual labor as a mother. We must all endure for the appointed time of birth. Whether a person chooses to be properly birthed in Christ, be fully developed, or not, this is between GOD and the baby Christian, a new believer, or even a mature Christian.

Our job is to endure and wait as God works in them. But we cannot endure without first being dead to ourselves or at least be dying daily, heading in that direction. The power of endurance comes through the power of HIS resurrection as we die and rise with HIM. If we are still carnal, we will not be able to lead or endure. In fact, the leaders will be judged. In order to lead and endure, we must continue to die to ourselves each day. Continue in your race as you pray each day.

Pastor Steve Kim