1 Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭4‬ ‭TPT “‬‬Neither the husband nor the wife have exclusive rights to their own bodies, but those rights are to be surrendered to the other.”
For married couples, scripture shows us that you do not have exclusive rights over your own bodies; your rights are surrendered to the other spouse. Please read the whole chapter for context.

This means you do not get just to put anything in your mouth, watch anything, hang out with who you want, and do anything exclusively. This means you are to stay healthy, look attractive for your spouse, not be a physical burden (by choice), work for the other, not be lazy, giving, serving one another, attentive to each other’s needs, submissive, protective, manage your hormones, do not weaponize sex against each other, understanding, watchful, allow Jesus to be the center of the marriage, and live in the unity of the Holy Spirit!

Pastor Steve Kim