Psalms‬ ‭78‬:‭32‬-‭36‬ ‭NLT‬‬ “But in spite of this, the people kept sinning.

33 Despite his wonders, they refused to trust Him. So He ended their lives in failure, their years in terror.

34 When God began killing them, they finally sought him. They repented and took God seriously.

35 Then they remembered that God was their rock, that God Most High was their redeemer.

36 But all they gave him was lip service; they lied to Him with their tongues.”
What is to trust in God? Verse 33 states the consequences of not trusting in God. Not trusting in God will end with our lives in failure and living out our years in terror. Verse 34 shows God kills His own people. Scripture doesn’t say the devil is to blame for our failures, but it is the result of not trusting God. Why don’t people trust in God? Verse 32 shows that people continue to sin because they do not trust in God. Therefore, when people constantly sin by lying, cheating, covering, raging in jealousy, competing, stealing, and the like, they cannot wait for God to rescue them because of the lack of trust. When we are in the midst of failure, we should be fiercely repenting rather than making excuses.

Now, then, what does it mean to trust in God? The first basic step is to stop sinning. What next?

Pastor Steve Kim