Remember, family: All spouses and those with children must address their families as “my beloved husband or wife or my love ” or “my beloved (child name), my beloved dad or mom.”

Those who are single can address yourself, my beloved “self, submit!”

If you are under a household, leaders, please address your people and include cell members as “beloved (title/name).

You may address your leaders, including your pastors, when texting or in person, for example, “beloved Pastor Steve or Yoojin.”

If you can not because you have too much pride, know that pride is leading you to destruction or stagnation, and humility is leading you back to restoration.

Your Senior Pastor Steve still reserves the right to use other adjectives or famous names, such as “Mo, Larry, and Curley.” Nothing personal, and no pun intended, but it is to test and see if you have humor. Love you all, beloved family!

There is no time limit. This is indefinite to eternity.

Pastor Steve Kim