If you know that Jesus may not be the total center of your life, what will you do then? Nothing, but continue in the status quo? Then nothing will change in your life, but you will get old, and your problems will get exasperated.

Definition of exasperated: intensely irritated and frustrated.

Do we really know what it means to follow Jesus? It is a continuous DEMAND to fully surrender your whole life unto Him for service, sacrifice, and pledging your allegiance to Him, or else you will collide. This is not a job or career change. This is not a change in college universities. This is not a girlfriend or boyfriend change. This is not social services for a continuous free food bank. Quitters, liars, thieves, manipulators, and beggars do not constitute the population of Heaven but royal sons and daughters who have given all their hearts to Jesus!

If this is a cult-type culture to you, anyone is free to leave. Please leave so we may move on with our business. Please stop wasting our time. Otherwise, repent and fall in line.

Please stop bringing me people through your spirit of disobedience. In the old days, evangelism was not taken so casually as if you were going to a McDonald’s drive-through to order a chocolate milkshake. You must take evangelism as if we are in days of persecution. If we were in persecution and you bring us the wrong person, it may jeopardize the continuity of the whole church and even the lives of the brethren. You may be bringing spies and enemies of the cross. Jesus prayed lengthy and with severity on whom to choose for His disciples. HE was led by Father God on whom to choose. HE did not choose people or women because He was attracted to them or because He wanted to get back at Father! Prove yourself and be a person of prayer and obedience first. Even in evangelizing, you must be led! Even your motive counts as why you evangelize or bring people.

What would total surrender mean to Him?

What would total surrender of your spouse and children look like to Him?

What would total surrender of your finances look like to Him?

What would total surrender of your body look like to Him?

What would total surrender of your job and career look like to Him?

What would total surrender of your time look like to Him?

You need to give deep thought to these questions because most of you, even in our church, are still blind and, in fact, choosing to be blind and deaf.

Jesus said He would actually heal us if we were able to see and hear, but people choose to stay deaf and blind.

Will you choose to open your eyes and ears and then move into a new paradigm and spiritual economy and out of your bubbles? Outside the bubble (womb) lies discipline and, yes, pain in birthing the fruit of peace and righteousness. There is a demand, and you must continuously choose to the end!

Pastor Steve Kim