Commenting from Pastor Yoojin’s previous post. Please read her post here: July 19, 2024

All church members who have been here for a while or even recently have been helped by God through the Pastors in one way or another. This includes financial, housing, vehicle, spiritual, clothes, shoes, 24-hour fitness memberships, computers, and so much more. These are especially for those who have been called to us.

When we first started church, the first vehicle we bought was for Ms.Liz so she could come to church from San Mateo to Church. These funds came from the leftover money from the first-ever revival after budgeting our rent. She thought the van would blow up, but it was fine, and it was just her imagination of being alone too long in her small, dark room above her crazy sister’s room where she had lived. God saved her from that lonely life. She had no vehicle. Also, compared to today’s money, the van was something to be grateful for, and it didn’t blow up. In fact, Elder Joseph took it and drove it around as the muffler sounded like a muscle car until, I believe, he traded it in at a dealership.

I will disclose some of what our church knows, but there is so much the church does not know. In our first property, we secretly housed Chelsea, Lissa, Soo, Korean Elders, and some others since we did not have homes to send them and we did not have money at that time. But we took a risk against our church lease by housing our people. They would go to 24-hour Fitness to shower and work out. We have many sentimental and fun stories, and I hope our people never forget the grace God imposed on them. One time, Chelsea walked around the parking lot in her pajamas, talking to herself, and the landlord asked if we were housing people because some homeless person was walking around the building and seemed to come from our side. Of course, we had to tell them no.

Pastor Yoojin and I paid for people’s move here. They were Fire servant families. For example, we paid for airline tickets for Alex and Dennissee from Puerto Rico (maybe Xavier as well), Jim and Nicole from Michigan, and I think Lissa from 7-11 stores buying a Slurpee in South Carolina. I cannot remember all. We paid for people who drove from other states helping them with gas and hotel.

When we lived in Tracy, we took in Youth Pastor Jason for three weeks until he got weird. Then we sent him to Deacon Senior, and he got even weirder there, banging his head with a football helmet against the wall. We have many fun stories.

We personally took in Jim and Nicole when we were living in the motel working for my brother. I tricked my brother into taking them and giving them jobs. When Tristen came, we paid for his airfare here, and when it was his birthday, we gave him $1000 to buy clothes.

Even with the Johnsons, when Heidi and the girls finally got here, we helped them get situated, and other members and Pastors helped them get furniture for their new place.

When David Biemer, Nathan, and Andy moved here, we helped them get a place by asking Soo and William to oversee them. David had no credit, so Soo helped with cooking, cleaning, and other basic necessities. We helped Nathan get clothes by giving him $1000.

I tricked my brother and made him take in Rob Song’s family into the motel as well. I helped Rob Song when his family was about to lose their house to the bank. They were introverted deer-like people just looking at the headlights of the bank coming at them. I sent my high school friend, who is a real estate agent, to sell their house in one month, netting them $200,000. They lived in the motel for two years, free, as Rob eventually worked as a shuttle driver to help pay for the room. Did Rob Song’s family ever thank me? Were they ever generous to God? No, they were greedy, and Rob lost the whole $200,000 in stock trading and eventually left our church.

Many of you know of Tylon’s family. I went to Canada twice the informal way, flying into North Dakota and driving 12 hours round trip to get him and the girls. Then, doing it again to return the girls. The money we spent for Priscilla’s family and from all that we have Tylon left. Only God knows the extent of my services to Him and my exhaustion at that time. May God’s glory manifest from Tylon’s life!

Last year, we helped a family in our church. Pastor Yoojin and I paid off all their personal credit card debt of about $15,000 with some of my Bitcoin holdings. This was when Bitcoin was $30,000, so now Bitcoin is almost $70,000. Do I regret it cause my Bitcoin, which I gave more than double? Of course not! (I still have more 😜. This money from my in-laws that they gave us in 2021). This family has been doing well, and I felt God nudging me to do this for them.

There was so much more before church started and while we were living in Michigan. This is why God made us Senior Pastors. Do you think we make our people to lead, give, sacrifice, and take care of others to harass you? We already did much more in Michigan before all this, and if our people do not want the talent or mina, we will gladly take your portion.

We could tell you a lot more of all God has done through the Pastors. Yes, we are led by the Holy Spirit. Why is it that God tells Pastor Yooji and I to help His people? Why is it we can hear Him in that area?

Because we are willing to hear Him in that area and go all the way for Him.

Why am I telling our church all this? Because you need to know why our church is prosperous and why we are personally prospering. But we are not doing this to be financially prosperous. We are doing this because it is who we are now.

Pastor Yoojin and I are, with the help of the Holy Spirit, moving closer to the throne. If you do not resolve your hidden sin, if you are judging us, and if you are not ONE with us, do you not realize what happens to those who come closer to His Presence? It is already happening as some of us are selling our organs to the Asians, and the curses of the world are working in our midst. All knees shall bow before Him. Do not be square like SpongeBob.

We do not give, be nice, or help people because we have to! It is part of us now. It is natural. We are Christ made visible.

But if you give, be nice, or help because you have to, then you have no joy, and it will feel awkward and unnatural. When you know you are unnatural about it, then you need to get out of “self” and pray for His Heart, love, and willingness to give all of yourself as necessary.

Pastor Steve Kim

Add on:

Pastor Yoojin and I do not do what we do to become financially prosperous. We do this because we have become like Him, which is, we are made the visible Christ for all who seek Hope in Him.

I do not tell you this to boast, and I hope I do not have such a motive. I do this to teach so you can look at the destination you are to be in. You are to become givers who become the vessel for Him and made visible. You need to stop choosing to be a swamp. A swamp wants to receive all the attention, all the blessings, all the reward because the swamp feels injustice, lives in fear, is greedy, lacks faith, is self-centered, competes, cannot handle others ahead of them, and must be the alpha apex, jealous, covet, or the likes.

Now, we’re all guilty to some degree, but others are way more guilty. But nevertheless, guilty is guilty. So, let us choose to get out of the old man. This is not to point fingers because we are all guilty. I just want you to look at yourself, choose, and redirect your path.

Pastor Steve Kim

Add on:

1 Corinthians 2:15-16 TPT

15 “Those who live in the Spirit are able to carefully evaluate all things, and they are subject to the scrutiny of NO ONE but God.

16 For Who has ever intimately known the mind of the Lord YAHWEH well enough to become his counselor? Christ has, and we possess Christ’s perceptions.”

This is the level we must achieve. Unless we break out of our boxes and self-centeredness, we won’t be able to achieve this level.

We need to have God’s heart, His perception to properly see and discern. Especially all leaderships, we must achieve this level to become God’s hands and feet.

How can we know who are those “whomever” God desires/chooses to bless/help if we do not have the mind of Christ/His perception?

Do not hold onto anything too tightly, even your pride. Flow with the Spirit as you allow God to break you. 🥹

Pastor Yoojin Kim