Luke‬ ‭22‬:‭25‬ ‭TPT‬‬ “Jesus interrupted their argument, saying, “The kings and men of authority in this world rule oppressively over their subjects, claiming that they do it for the good of the people. They are obsessed with how others see them.”
You can treat people good but with bad motives. It would not be for their welfare but how you want them to view you. One’s own insecurity, emptiness, and one’s own sense of need to feel belonging will turn into control. A need to control stemming from a desire to create and feed from an endless funnel of validation or affirmation.

If we want to lead or receive authority, what is our motive? In the secular world, people want authority or leadership to be on top of the pyramid or food chain so as to receive the benefits. In God’s Kingdom, leadership starts out as being a servant. We collaborate with God in His plan of Salvation to represent Him properly so others may see Him in us as we do and as we are like Him. Even after serving, there is a position of dominion. Still, even this position of authority comes with a heavy price, which will cost one the denial of his/her life—a position of kingship.

But regardless, most are still stuck with the obsession of how others view them. This may be your center, which needs to change, or else the landowner will come when you do not expect it and throw you out.

Pastor Steve Kim