Luke‬ ‭12‬:‭29‬-‭31‬ ‭TPT‬‬ “I repeat: Don’t let worry enter your life. Live above the anxiety and care about your personal needs.

30 People everywhere seem to worry about making a living, but your heavenly Father knows your every need and will take care of you.

31 As you passionately seek his kingdom, above all else, he will supply your needs.“
The Bible says in Psalm chapter 23 that we will not want or lack because the Lord is our Shepherd. It means HE is more than sufficient and His Presence will be our peace to know we are good regardless of the circumstances. But this has a condition. When Christians get into trouble or make mistakes, they tend to spontaneously tell God how much they love Him, and they do tend to keep telling Him repeatedly. In fact, I observe Christians tell me how they love God so much when they get caught with their pants down and nakedness exposed when their prayer and knowledge of the bible are audited by me.

Why do Christians worry or become anxious? The first fold is a lack of passion. What does that mean? Passion is not an emotion as one cries for help telling God how much they love Him so HE can send the calvary for their bad situation.

When you consistently take care of fundamentals such as reading, praying, going to church, respecting spiritual authority, and keeping his commandments, then a level of anxiety will be covered. But passion means to be consistent in keeping His Word rather than anxiously shouting out “I love you God” because you are nervous and trying to get His attention.

As certain tests come in life as we move forward which are the storms or road bumps, all that you have accumulated in time with the Holy Spirit will help you push through life. Verse 31 says as we passionately seek His Kingdom, all our basics will be provided. When we struggle with even the basics of rent, food, and bills, then we need to know that we may not be passionate about Him. Why do people stop praying, reading, and keeping the line of spiritual authority? They become prideful when things get a little better, and momentum is gained, but spiritual fuel is constantly required. They may stop praying and reading because they are offended.

The trap is when we are not passionate about God, and we begin to experience a lack, then we will show a lack of trust, and we may attempt to amass our own fortune outside His will to gain security for reasons of pride and insecurity. When we learn to be patient and trusting in God, then He is our abundance, and we will not worry about basics as we enjoy life. But we need to know what trusting in God means.

Gathering something to amass an abundance takes much time. Even as we spiritually work to have God’s Presence in abundance, this too requires much time, learning, obeying, and going through many tests striving to feast at His Table. But lack of consistency is but to go around the mountain again. Or in other terms, redo the school grade again and do not “pass go.”

Jesus said HE had come to give us an abundant life. Therefore, an abundant life is a life abundant in God and His Ways, as HE supplies all our needs.

We love you all!

Pastor Steve Kim