Proverbs 31, an Epilogue
I read Proverbs 31 a lot-like once a week or more. I’m constantly searching for more depth and revelation from this chapter because of its message to me as a Christian wife.
As I read it last night, I saw a word that I’d read a thousand times but glossed over in my quest for deeper meaning within the verses. That word is epilogue.
Proverbs 31:10-31 is identified in the Bible as the epilogue to the book of Proverbs.
What is an epilogue? An epilogue is: a section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment on, or a conclusion to, what has happened.
Think about this.
What this means is that Proverbs 31:10-31 summarizes the overall message of the book of Proverbs, which means Proverbs is a message to WIVES.
This is not to say that men and unmarried women shouldn’t read and apply this wisdom to their lives. Everyone should do that.
However, given that the book’s epilogue is specific to wives, we’re focusing on wives.
The contents of Proverbs are a detailed instruction manual for how to achieve Proverbs 31. The overarching themes of the book of Proverbs are the importance of the fear of God, obedience and the extreme value of wisdom, all critical qualities of a Godly wife.
There are 12 different verses that specifically call out wives prior to the epilogue in Proverbs 31. The entire rest of the book is about both good and bad personal conduct, also critically important for every wife to know and practice.
Wives, read the book of Proverbs, and evaluate yourselves. We must pay attention to this book, honestly assess our situations and our hearts, and then fix ourselves. This is the only way for us to move our families forward.
Elder Ellen Mata