Luke 1:37-38 TPT “Not one promise from God is empty of power. Nothing is impossible with God!”
38 Then Mary responded, saying, “Yes! I will be a mother for the Lord! As his servant, I accept whatever HE has for me. May everything you have told me come to pass.” And the angel left her.”
We all know within our minds that nothing is impossible with God and many can declare this statement. But can you actually believe it within your hearts which shows in verse 38, may it be done as you have spoken!
Do you believe the promises of the Bible are all for you? Or someone else? Do you believe you are the descendants of Abraham and you are the fruit of that declaration spoken to him many thousands of years ago? Or to someone else? There can be moments of doubt. Even Abraham doubted and asked if Ishmael could be the blessing. He was arguing that he and Sarah were too old and their flesh was resisting. But when God declared Abraham would have an heir, Abraham submitted and surrendered and moved in that direction with his faith.
You may say or type “Amen,” but yet many doubt it is but a gong. A gong of “amens.” It has no depth. It has no love. It has no gratitude. It feels empty, and says “amen” because everyone else does it. It does not want to feel alone but gongs out of the need to belong. It is gonging because it has not fully repented or surrendered to come to the revelation of who Jesus is and what He has done for you.
Many call Him Lord but only resonate as a gong and fail to make Him Lord of their lives out of Love.
You all need to give deep thought to your own salvation and examine if your faith is genuine. Because the Word of God says those who are born of God overcome anything the world has to throw at them and come out more than just Victorious but to reign and have dominion wherever their feet touch. Examine how you think because how you think shows whether you are transformed or not.
Pastor Steve Kim