For the last few weeks, I have been praying for someone’s situation in the church. Then, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit entered my mind with the scriptures.
Proverbs 31:1-9 TPT
King Lemuel’s royal words of wisdom:
These are the inspiring words my mother taught me.
2 Listen, my dear son, son of my womb.
You are the answer to my prayers, my son.
3So keep yourself sexually pure
from the promiscuous, wayward woman.
Don’t waste the strength of your anointing
on those who ruin kings—
you’ll live to regret it!
4 For you are a king, Lemuel,
and it’s never fitting for a king to be drunk on wine
or for rulers to crave alcohol.
5 For when they drink, they forget justice
and ignore the rights of those in need,
those who depend on them for leadership.
6-7Strong drink is given to the terminally ill,
who are suffering at the brink of death.
Wine is for those in depression
in order to drown their sorrows.
Let them drink and forget their poverty and misery.
8 But you are to be a king who speaks up on behalf
of the disenfranchised
and pleads for the legal rights of the defenseless
and those who are dying.
9Be a righteous king, judging on behalf of the poor
and interceding for those most in need.
Previously, Elder Ellen posted about Proverbs 31 wife. That was the personal revelation God had given to her from that particular angle.
First, know that the Bible scriptures have endless angles, revelations, meanings, and perspectives. God has previously given me different angles on Proverbs 31, but this week, He gave me another angle.
During one particular night prayer this week, the vivid voice of God entered, ‘Mothers, You are a King Maker.”
First, King Lemuel (verse 1) can be anyone. Historically, it’s ambiguous who that may be. Some say it’s King Solomon. But it’s still unclear.
I believe God made it this way because it is for all sons (Wives are also King Makers.)
The verse from 2-9 is given to son(s). Of course, the mother was inspired by the Holy Spirit. It’s not a human idea.
** The mother warns about sexual immorality; this sexual sin will lift anointing (and the presence of God). The mother warns him that he will regret it IF he thinks the matter lightly. The moment of pleasure will negatively affect your spiritual and physical life/condition. Not only sexual sins in a real-life relationship but through the internet, movies, and television.
**The mother warns about alcoholic drinks Because it will bring many troubles, but mainly, you will lose the ability to discern what’s right or wrong. You will be insensitive to sins. You won’t be able to “judge” rightly according to God’s standard. Although she is only talking about drinking alcoholic drinks, any drug will do the same.
**The mother warns about being righteous. It is to live a right relationship with God. It is to live the life of a leader who grants unceasing grace and mercy to people and is willing (volunteer) to help people in need. You can apply
1 Corinthians 13:4- 8, it’s about what love does to God’s people.
Then, verses 10-31 are the mother’s advice on how their wives are supposed to be to maintain their leadership (or to be raised as a leader).
God is calling mothers to be seekers of God. You must first have the right relationship with Him to advise your sons properly and rightly. Wisdom flows to you from the Holy Spirit. Therefore, you, mothers must flow with the Holy Spirit with a right relationship with HIm. In the last days, many “kings(leaderships)” will be raised with great anointing and presence.
Not only the wife’s role is important to raise your husband and help him maintain his state, but the mother’s role is also very important. God calls us a kingmaker. We should humbly act accordingly.
Pastor Yoojin Kim