August 21, 2024

‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭1‬:‭11‬ ‭ Voice “Hannah: Eternal One, Commander of heavenly armies, if only You will look down at the misery of Your servant and remember me—oh, don’t forget me!—and give Your servant a son, then I promise I will devote the boy to Your service as a...

August 20, 2024

During prayer tonight, God spoke about something that we should take seriously. “Do not be surprised when you see people falling away.” This word came out of nowhere while praying and made me deeply ponder about it 😐 Check Examine your walk with God DAILY. I’m not...

August 19, 2024-2

Continuing on Sunday preaching Luke‬ ‭19‬:‭2‬, ‭8‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT “‬‬There was a man there named Zacchaeus. He was the chief tax collector in the region, and he had become very rich. 8 Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “I will give half my wealth to the...

August 19, 2024

Hello, Fire of God Beloveds 😍 Although I had to speak what I had to say during prayer time. Pastor Steve and I sometimes have to make hard decisions to carry out certain actions to prevent further possible problems. Wherever you go, there will be rules, laws, and...

August 17, 2024

1 John 3:21-22 Beloved, If our heart does not convict us [of guilt], we have confidence [complete assurance and boldness] before God; and we receive from Him whatever we ask because we [carefully and consistently] keep His commandments and do the things that are...

August 15, 2024-2

Many scholars on the internet say Jesus spoke about money or finances, 28%-30% of the time. Of about 39 parables that he spoke, 11 parables were about money. Information says Jesus spoke more about money than He did about Heaven or Hell. Why? Does that mean we need to...