October 18, 2024

Luke 9:61,62 TPT Still another said to him, “Lord, I want to follow you too. But first, let me go home and say good-bye to my entire family.” Jesus responded, “Why do you keep looking back to your past and have second thoughts about following me? If you turn back you...

October 9, 2024

Hello Family, I have hinted to you that I believe AI will be the Antichrist. In this video, if accurate about how AI will advance, I think it will take about 30 -50 years to get to the tenth stage. It may be earlier or later; only God knows. Physically, you will not...

October 8, 2024

Christians say they want to live a life honoring God. What does that mean to God? What does it mean to you? What do you think it would take or required to honor God? You need to think! Is my life constipated because God is taking too long or am I not adhering to His...

October 2, 2024

Galatians‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭TPT “‬‬Let me illustrate: As long as an heir is a minor, he’s not really much different than a servant, although he’s the master over all of them. 2 For until the time appointed by the father, the child is under the domestic supervision of the...