June 20, 2024

Cell Groups! So when you are about to start and before any opening prayer in unison. “I am happy to be here with the cell group. Jesus, You are the Center of my life!” Any stragglers need to say it after they sit. At the end of the meeting or closing prayer after...

June 18, 2024

Let us continue to declare But before you declare, you must count the cost to follow and go all the way. If you are not willing to go all the way with us, please do something about it. In this church, you will be required to submit and surrender all, and by no means...

June 15, 2024

Hello Family Moving forward, in regards to positions of authority, for example, when we appointed an elder, their spouse, by default, became an elder as well. If we appointed a deacon, their spouse became a deacon by default. In the future, when we appoint or demote...

June 14, 2024

So what is our main problem? We pray for our needs, joy, comfort, blessings, and success. Perhaps this is the problem. It is still the “me!” The “self-centered” dilemma. What is the solution? What should we chase or come to know to have all our problems resolved? What...

June 13, 2024-2

Throwback to June 2015 Galatians 4:3, 23 NLT “The son of the slave wife was born in a human attempt to bring about the fulfillment of God’s promise. But the son of the freeborn wife was born as God’s own fulfillment of his promise.” Our works can be born from our own...