A child will always go to their mama or papa for advice or help with even the smallest and most basic things. But as the child grows up and becomes educated by parents, life, growing pains, and secular academics, they should be most able to make their own adult decisions. As adults, they should only come asking for counsel on the big decisions.

Spiritually, if you do not grow up by staying consistent in prayer, reading, following God’s Word, passing your tests at critical moments, and obeying, your mind will be that of a spiritual child who will constantly go to spiritual parents to get a green light. Like a child, you will constantly walk in fear, clinging on to your parents like a toddler.

This tells me you are not CONSISTENTLY reading, praying, applying the Word, passing your tests, and living in obedience. Leaving the childhood mindset is a choice. Even Apostle Paul said he had to choose to stop being a child.

1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭11‬ ‭TPT‬‬ “When I was a child, I spoke about childish matters, for I saw things like a child and reasoned like a child. But the day came when I matured, and I set aside my childish ways.”
In order to mature, you must choose to set aside your childish ways. Then, you will be able to make your own decisions and only come for help on the big decisions if needed.

What are childish matters? They are jealousy, envy, coveting, continuing to blame other people for your misfortune, fighting, constant arguing with one another, scamming, manipulating, stealing, lying, hiding, running, quitting, living immorally, smoking crack, smoking pot, drinking, watching tv or internet all day, being lazy, not wanting to work when you need to work, eating all day, cannot handle the boss, always negative, going from one diet to another, thinking the earth is flat, watching Netflix all day, looking like Jaba the Hutt, can’t say no to food or sugar, etc, etc.

I want to advise the church that Pastor Yoojin has a photographic memory. She can remember every translation with each and everyone of you that is done with Bishop. We know what is expected and has been said about you and your families. All the promises of God are conditional to your continued faith and obedience. When you try to force any future prophecy upon your life when you are not in season or in obedience, it will be to your own consequences. You cannot say it is anybody’s fault. It would be your own deception.

Commet: Apostle Paul said, “But the Day came!”

He did not say that he became mature based on the days he grew old. He said “the day” as ON ONE PARTICULAR DAY, he decided to set his childish behavior aside. He is saying that, as an adult, at one particular moment, he decided with determination that he would stop lying and being a fake and was set to do the right things from that day on!

Pastor Steve Kim