Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭18‬ ‭TPT‬‬ “Your boast becomes a prophecy of a future failure. The higher you lift yourself up in pride, the harder you’ll fall in disgrace.”
What are these people boasting about? They are boasting in themselves. They want to be the center of attention. They talk about what they will do, how well they will do it, how big they will be, how smart they are, how good-looking they are, and how everyone will want to be like them when they become big. Blah, blah, blah.

When you make yourself the center of the universe, you will be last and bottom feeding. It is a natural law of faith.

If you put Jesus first, then the Bible says HE will put you on high, soaring like an eagle, reigning on the earth, and living an abundant life in Him. Of course, this does not come free and without pain and cost. But putting Jesus first is not a forethought in your mind. It is action. It is a way of life. It is who you have become. It is who you are.

The place you are in life right now shows who you are based on what you have been believing and, therefore, what you have been doing, choosing, acting, and deciding. Where you are in life is what is in your heart. Everyone is at a different speed and level. They are in different fear levels and trust levels; some still love darkness, some choose delusion, some are stubborn as a donkey, and a very few have surrendered all. But different speeds do not mean it is to be or is supposed to be. You should have all surrendered already a long time ago.

So where you are is what you reap for what you have sown.

Comment: A famous fictional character named Forest Gump once said, “A stupid is what a stupid does.”

This means if you are reborn, do the things of a reborn person. Do as u believe, and you will be. If you are a carnal, flesh-minded person, then you will do what a pagan does. If you speak faith, then act accordingly. We are what we do, and we will be what we do, and we will be judged on what we do.

If we say we are a “Christian,” but we do the things of a pagan, are we a Christian or pagan? Or maybe we have not fully decided?

Pastor Steve Kim