Hello Beloved Family! 😊❤️
Beloved Pastor Yoojin asked me to share a journey that Jocelyn and I are currently on and what God has me focusing on right now, which is my future wife, Jocelyn.
Over a month ago, I had a talk with Beloved Pastors, and they gave us an option. They did not force us to do anything but told us suggestions that others were doing, which was a diet change. I am personally quick to obey because I know it will benefit me and not only Jocelyn in the future. So I discussed it with Jocelyn, and we agreed we would start to diet and go to the gym consistently. We got about 3-4 times a week.
So we decided to start intermittent fasting so we would start eating at 12pm and finish eating at 8pm. Of course, on our one-off days, we may go off track due to like family events or date nights or something one off but we will go right back after that one day or whatnot. We took the advice on starting to eat salads as our first meal of the day, which at first took some getting used to, but over time, it was not that bad, we switch it up occasionally so it doesn’t become redundant for us, but we usually have salads for first meal majority of the week. It’s very light, healthy, and energizing. Then we just find our next meal for the day. As the day goes on, we just figure out what to make. We have been doing this for probably a month or more.
On our new journey, Jocelyn and I have lost about 10+ lbs as of today. It’s actually nice for us because when we are putting clothes on and stuff they are fitting a lot looser than they did before.
God is helping us grow together as one and becoming one as a team. God is doing a lot of new things in our lives, and we are thankful for it. It’s not about if Beloved Pastors are right or not; its about if will you obey what God is bringing to the table for you to get the greater blessing. God is teaching Jocelyn and I new things and we are thankful for our spiritual parents.
We will continue to become more healthy and continue to take the spiritual fruit that God gives us that will benefit our lives down the line. We dont wanna be 70 years old and not make it to 80. We wanna be the ones to make it to 100 years old.
Thank you, God and Beloved Pastors, for everything that you do and for helping us change our lives for the better! ❤️