These are words directly from God given to Prophet Jeremiah for the rebellious people. They are not my words. They are God’s, so read your Bible and know how God will speak to you if you want to play games with Him.

Jeremiah‬ ‭2‬:‭23‬-‭25‬ ‭TPT‬‬ “How dare you say, ‘I have not defiled myself. I’ve not chased after false gods.’ Look how you behaved badly in the valley. Don’t you realize what you’ve done? You’re like a restless wild camel running loose.

24 or like a wild female donkey accustomed to the wilderness. While in heat, she sniffs the wind, and in her lust, no one can restrain her. Any male that wants her will find her ready.

25 Israel, don’t chase after other gods until you wear out your sandals and your throats are parched with thirst. Yet, you still say, ‘It’s hopeless; I can’t stop chasing them. I desperately love these foreign gods.’ ”
Verse 23 warns about jumping onto anything that moves.

Verse 24, today’s term is “dog”. In the Old Testament, the term is donkey and camels.

Verse 25, addicts and those who give into sin and temptation. They love their sin and darkness.

Pastor Steve Kim