Jeremiah‬ ‭16‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭TPT “‬‬Answer them, ‘Because your ancestors walked away from me, declares Yahweh, and followed other gods and served and worshiped them. They abandoned me and failed to keep my instruction.

12 Yet you have acted even worse than your ancestors. Each of you follow the stubborn desires of your evil hearts and refuse to listen to me.

13 Therefore, I will fling you out of this land to a land that neither you nor your fathers have known. And there you will serve other gods, day and night to your heart’s content, for I will have no pity for you.’ ”
What is abandoning God? Is it leaving for another country? Is it leaving for Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam? Yes, it can be, but people can still attend church and abandon God because His definition of abandoning is failing to keep His instructions. It is refusing to listen to Him. But how are the majority of people to listen to Him when they cannot actually hear Him? The first level in hearing God is to hear Him through the word of God. The second level is through your spiritual authorities, like the Pastors and other leaders.

In verse 13, God says He will fling them out of the land (promised land) and to another land in which they can serve their idols to their heart’s content. What does it mean by “heart’s content?”
It means they can be addicted all they want, stuffing their faces and noses with it.

God gives everyone time to repent, but once that time is gone, HE says He will have no pity, and this is why prayers for such people do not get answered. Why? Because they mocked His kindness.

Comment: God takes obedience and disobedience very seriously. He is not influenced by Western culture in which people are used to talking back at police officers, teachers, parents, pastors, the government, bosses, or any form of authority.

You must have a kingdom mindset, not a mindset from your country, neighborhood, or culture.

Pastor Steve Kim