Many scholars on the internet say Jesus spoke about money or finances, 28%-30% of the time. Of about 39 parables that he spoke, 11 parables were about money. Information says Jesus spoke more about money than He did about Heaven or Hell. Why?

Does that mean we need to preach at least 30% of our sermons covering money, stewardship, finances, tithing, greed, giving, and offering? Why did Jesus speak about money so much? Why?

Because money is quantifiable, people can say they love Jesus, they can say they have faith, they can say they trust God, they can say that God will provide, they can say they have faith to move mountains, they can brag they will give, they can say they are generous, and they can say a lot of Bull Manure, which cannot be quantified.

But money is quantifiable and shows your true intent and heart. A person who does not consistently tithe and make offerings has zero trust in God.

All humans, including Christians, have a problem with greed. It is greed, which is a sin, that blocks our anointing and intimacy with God.


Pastor Steve Kim