‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭18‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT “‬‬David continued to succeed in everything he did, for the Lord was with him.”

If we believe and delight in Jesus, the bible says HE establishes our steps. As Christians, should we not be successful in everything we do? Yes, we will be successful in all things if God is with us and our faith holds.

Then what does believe mean? How did David believe? King Saul had believed, but he was rejected!

Then it is not just a thought, is it? Let us not be deceived. Let us not take God for granted and just presume.

Comment: King Saul believed in God, but he did not have the faith to fully obey, but the center of his insecurity got the best of him. He wanted people to admire him. He needed affirmation of his authority from the people. He was more into people-pleasing than God-pleasing, even though God gave him the job through Prophet Samuel. Saul built a monument for himself. He wanted to be worshipped. He was tall and handsome, and maybe he got that worship from his mama as a mama boy (or mama girl).

Pastor Steve Kim