Holy Dance

Psalm 144:1 (VOICE)

A Song of David. 

Blessed be the Eternal, my rock.
He trains my hands for war, gives me the skills I need for battle.

Dance Team Leaders

Senior Pastor

Yoojin Kim

Fire of God Church, USA

“Blessed be the Lord, my Rock and my great strength, Who trains my hands for war And my fingers for battle.”

Psalm 144:1

When we Dance by the power of the Holy Spirit, it becomes a powerful weapon against the enemy!


Ellen Mata

Fire of God Church, USA

From the moment I entered this church, I knew I never wanted to leave. Since then, God has shown me His love, grace, mercy and discipline, and He has transformed my life, my marriage, my family and me as an individual.

Most importantly, He has taught me how to live and lead with Him at the forefront of my decisions, thoughts and actions.

This ministry has helped me to overcome my issues one layer at a time to enable me to experience God’s love and presence in a way I never knew was possible. Glory to God!

2 Corinthians 3:17-18 MSG


Sarah Jang

Fire of God Church, USA

Before I came to this church, I thought I was ready to meet the Lord. I didn’t realize I was a sinner. When I came to this church, my sins were found, and I began to know the Lord little by little through the love and discipline from the pastor. And I am here today.

Thank you so much, Lord, for changing my life and using me.


Rodith Libatique

Fire of God Church, USA

I believe there is only one God, the Creator of all things, Jesus Christ, holy and infinite, perfect, eternally existent in three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe the Word of God is infallible, complete, and perfect. We as believers are called to live within the power of the Holy Spirit so we will not live by the flesh, but by the Spirit. Through God’s chosen elect leadership at Fire of God Church, we are constantly being guided, refined, and sharpened to fulfill the divine calling and destiny of our lives according to His perfect will.

Assistant Pastor

Christian Mata

Fire of God Church, USA

Fear God.


Daniel Mata

Fire of God Church, USA

I’ve come to realize since I came to Fire of God Church, that I’m a sinner.

Through God’s grace, he saved me from my troubled past. Through His mercy, my family and marriage is being restored, as well as my hope for the future.

I pray that I continue to learn to love just the way Gods loves me! ❤️


Joseph Jang

Fire of God Church, USA

When I came to this church, I realized what the truth was. I also learned who I am and my identity. God cleans and trains you so that you can live as God’s children.

Youth Leader

Callia Kim

Fire of God Church, USA

My journey and walk with God was not always sunshine and rainbows. But he has saved me and my family out of grace, and it’s a huge honor that he has chosen me to fulfill his will, now and till the day I draw my last breath. I am forever grateful for everything God has done for me, and I know that even in my darkest times, when I felt like I had no one, He was always there by my side. My one and only love who understood me the most when I needed it and helped me overcome my hardships and trials.

Worship Leader

Evelyn Kim

Fire of God Church, USA

My name is Evelyn Kim, and I’m the worship leader of Fire God Church. I believe that not only do you have to be talented and gifted, but I believe prayer and reading the Bible is important as well. In order to have anointing and the strong presence of God, you have to obey God’s instructions, teachings and at the same time respecting your authorities over you.