Hello Beloved Family, who are the 1% with Gideon. They are the 300 who need to go fight the 135,000 enemy army. The 70% that left were chicken. Gideon had some fear, but he was not a chicken 🐓. The 1% will stay and obey to experience and witness the supernatural of God’s power. They will share in the victory to obtain authority, power, and position to help rule God’s people. But the senseless or you simpletons will be the 29% who also will miss out.

The 1% blew the horn and shattered the clay jars with torches in them as they advanced onto the enemy army. The shofar was blown for the call of war. They are the true worshippers in spirit. They are not the senseless “Bambi deer” looking at the headlights, frozen in fear and about to become road kill. They are the broken vessels (clay jars) who possess the torched light, the Light of Jesus shine inside them. The 1% are the broken worshippers who are the salt and light of the world who overcome experiencing the supernatural of grandeur heights. They are not the general Christian population who goes off into the dark room crying and throwing a tantrum like some 2-year-old because they heard bad news or who cannot handle the assignment. No, they are not the general miracles many Christians may experience. The 1% will experience the supernatural grandeur, miracles, and victories that will be written for the eternal ages. It is only for the Bride and not the concubines.

Where are you within the three groups, the outer court, the holy place, or the Holy of Holies? Or, in other words, the chicken coop, with Bambi or the 1%, respectively?

Pastor Steve Kim

See below picture of road kill.