Judges‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬ ‭TPT “‬‬Under Caleb’s leadership, they fought against the Canaanites living in Hebron, formerly known as Kiriath Arba, and killed the three Canaanite families descended from Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai.”
Caleb is part of Judah. He and Joshua were the two spies out of twelve who were sent out and who had brought a good report, while the other ten chicken spies got a plague for instilling fear and trouble in the people of God. For Caleb’s loyalty and passion to God, Moses spoke a blessing over him that Caleb would inherit everything that his foot would tread on for him and his decedents. Caleb was promised to be given a particular hill that three giant families possessed.

We need to realize how blessings are possessed. First, this took 40 years for the word to come to pass. One main reason this took so long was because the majority of God’s people had caused the delay by disobeying God. Second, the blessing would not be given on a silver platter, but Caleb would have to defeat three giant families. Who are these families descended from, Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai?

Hebron is where Abraham and Sarah are buried. In Greek, it means colleague to friend or alliance. We know God called Abraham His friend. In order to obtain this hill, Hebron, you must conquer these three spiritual Canaanite demon tribes. Hebron is where King David first ruled for seven years before locating to Jerusalem. It is a significant spiritual place or position in the Kingdom.

The three Canaanite kings:

Sheshai is taken from the word “white wash.” It is about hypocrisy. Sheshai is a king of hypocrisy.

Ahiman represents becoming prideful when you receive gifts, talent, power, or position. Ahiman is a king of pride.

Talmi means scholar or true scholarship. Talmi thinks he is one who is great in knowledge and, frankly, has a big fat head.

In order for you to possess the great blessings of God and be called His friend, you, as an individual through Christ, must learn patience and overcome the hypocrisy, pride, and big self-image in you. You must realize you are NOTHING, and you do not know ANYTHING!

You are only something when you are new in Christ, and you begin to know wisdom when you come to the fear of God.


You can be given a word of blessing, breakthrough, or deliverance, but sitting on your buttocks doing nothing will get you nothing. Faith requires action, and your blessings must be taken by spiritual war.
This spiritual war is first against yourself. In Matthew 11, the bible says the violent take it by force. Or in more accurate version, the passionate take hold of its power.

If you do not fight against your Mr. Hyde and subdue your flesh and master sin, then sin will master you, and you will become a slave to the world. God told Cain he needed to be a master over his desires and sins. But Cain decided to stay angry, jealous, and unrepentant. Even though God protected and blessed him, he was still a wanderer and was destined for destruction.
Pastor Steve Kim