Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬-‭5‬ ‭TPT “‬‬So I’m asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unitywith one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy.

3 Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves.

4 Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests.

5 And consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed One, has set before us. Let his mindset become your motivation.”

Hello, Beloved Family. When you decide that unity in Christ is a greater cause than your own individual self-interest, you will discover a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and be filled with His Love as we are bound and intertwined as one body and person.

Remember John chapter 5, the Son is unable to do anything without the Father’s initiative. Jesus is revealing His model of spiritual authority and Oneness. He only does what HE sees the Father doing, and therefore, HE says when you see me, you see the Father! We are to be Christ made visible as you do only as you are led by Jesus through your church representing the body, which is led by Holy Spirit, who leads through the Pastors and leadership. There are no mavericks in the kingdom except examples like Judas, who tried to bring his own political will into God’s business, thinking the pagan way of rebelling and physically overthrowing the Roman government would bring freedom.

They had called Jesus a cult because HE said HE is the ONLY WAY. There is no other way to heaven or the Father except through Jesus, and if this is considered borderline cultish or cultish, then that’s too bad for the mavericks and prideful. Verse 4 says to abandon every form of selfishness. Total surrender to God and total abandonment of the old life is the only way you will be able to perceive and understand as you follow the Light! You must give your heart to Jesus! Give your hearts to Him!

Pastor Steve Kim