Luke‬ ‭6‬:‭13‬ ‭TPT‬‬ “At daybreak, he called together all of his followers and selected twelve from among them, and he appointed them to be his apostles.”
In the pagan secular world, you must earn your appointment through works and approval. You have to work and show you can be a manager or higher. In government, you must be approved by the people and voted to be in office.

In God’s government, you are first appointed by grace and His election, and then you work into your title. You are declared the title as you fulfill your position.

If you are wondering why you have been given a position with no training or education, you are still cultural and thinking like a pagan and doubting. In God’s Kingdom, we have what is called faith! Faith first declares and receives, and then you go.

Whether a position, issue, or problem, get out of your pagan cultural habits and think deeply about how faith works. In God’s world, it works the opposite. You give to receive. You die to live. You get the title first, and then you are trained. You receive grace first, and then you work out your salvation with trembling and fear. You marry the person God desires, and then you work out love and become attracted to each other. You are first freed and redeemed, and then it is your choice to walk out of your prison. We conquer as we surrender. We overcome as we yield.

Have we not figured out faith, beloved family?

Pastor Steve Kim