Are we willing to follow Jesus more than our desires, feelings, hormones, dreams, despair, unresolved personal issues, complacency, passiveness, etc?

Coming to church each weekend does not define “following Jesus.” But many did hang around Jesus to be entertained, get free food from miracles, and be spectators who enjoyed giving their two cents worth of human wisdom and curiosity because that was the thing to do.

However, Jesus began to filter people out and told them something they did not want to hear, “Drink My Blood and Eat My Flesh if you want Life!”

Not only were people turned off once they got a word like that, they didn’t like Him. They came against Him and began slandering and calling Him a cult. You need to think. Are you one who slanders and judges, calling what you do not like “cults,” or are you one who will ponder why you do not like the instruction or teaching? Maybe the problem is the person looking in the mirror. Then you should repent!

Pastor Steve Kim