Matthew 13:29-30 TPT “No,’ he said. ‘If you pull out the weeds you might uproot the wheat at the same time.
30 Let them both grow together until the harvest. At that time, I’ll tell my harvesters to gather the weeds first and tie them all in bundles to be burned. Then they will harvest the wheat and put it into my barn.’ ”
What is the common trait of both wheat and weed? The wheat are God’s people and the weed are the fakes planted within the church by the enemy. But the weed does not even know they are working for the enemy because they are a deluded people.
But what is their common trait that they both must be allowed to grow together until harvest time. The harvest time represent a time when their fruit is recognized. And the common trait both wheat and weed posses is that their stalk stands straight and does not bend so easily. As God said to His people, “you are all stiffed necks.” Much of God’s people are full of pride walking intimately with their idols refusing to submit and surrender as humble barely.
Wheat must be brought to the threshing floor and then a tribulum or threshing hammer is used to separate the wheat and chaff. For most Christians, unlike barely which bends down easily in humility and submission and which also ripens early, the wheat must be placed under extreme pressure for the flesh or chaff to be separated. As the wheat is winnowed into the air, the chaff is to be separated through the air and as the wind who is the Holy Spirit comes to baptise the wheat. There is the final tribulation described in the Bible which will test the majority of the saints of the world to distinguish God’s people and the fakes. It will not be a pre tribulation. But then there is the personal tribulations of life in which individuals must go through that can feel like birth pains to enter the Kingdom of God.
Pentecost represents the harvest of wheat, the birth of the
Church. But we the fire ministry are to be the barley harvest like the apostles and prophets who prayed earnestly for 50 days in the book of Acts waiting for the Holy Spirit to come and begin the wheat harvest. The Holy Spirit is our inheritance and gift. The Barely harvest is the offering of the first fruits whom Jesus is the First and First of the First Born!
Resurrection Day or as some call “Easter” was the beginning of the First Fruit festival. They will be the Bride to the Lord. Let us not be so stiffed necked continually resisting the Holy Spirit as some of your lives are falling apart and even within your families. But we have been called first into the Fire Ministry. The Fire Ministry is not a new ministry but a restoration of the original birth of the Church. The Church in the book of Acts was birthed under prayer and the Fire of the Holy Spirit. We are but a restoration and continuation of His Church. Therefore, we should be first to bow down to our King in allegiance. We should be quick to listen and obey which represents that we ripen quickly! This ministry and church is God’s Church of all of the North America’s as we have been assigned the task to be the forerunners for the gathering of the great wheat harvest to come! All mavericks will be crushed and all knees will come bowing before the Lord Jesus!
Do you believe this? Then read it again!
Happy Pentecost Day on this Day of our Lord.
Pastor Steve Kim